Entries by markfettes

IERG News Update: February 2018

Latest NEWS from the IERG Greetings Imaginative Educators around the globe! It’s my pleasure to offer you an update on some of the IERG’s activities, plans, and projects over the past year. Click HERE to read the Newsletter on imaginED. Warmly, Gillian Judson (Co-Director, Imaginative Education Research Group)

NEWEST Publication By Dr. Gillian Judson

The Walking Curriculum is an innovative interdisciplinary resource for educators K-12 who want to take student learning outside school walls. Walking Curriculum activities can be used in any context to develop students’ Sense of Place and to enrich their understanding of curricular topics. Based on principles of Imaginative Ecological Education, the 60 easy-to-use walking-focused activities […]

Imaginative Education Hits the Airwaves

Over the next few months you can tune into voicEdradio.ca to hear from Imaginative Educators about their imaginative practices (PreK-Higher Education).  Learn how cognitive tools can increase engagement in your classroom. Learn about different programs from the Imaginative Education Research Group. We kicked off the Imagination Matters series on November 14. Enjoy this introduction to […]

IERG News & Updates March 2017

Welcome to our 1st newsletter of 2017! IERG News & Updates is our way to keep you informed about some IERG activities worldwide. You will find examples of Imaginative Education in action, interviews with practitioners, as well as short pieces describing our different programs, publications, and events. We always look forward to your feedback, and […]